Book Review: Never Stop Falling

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In keeping with love week, I figured I would post a review of a romance I read this past November called Never Stop Falling by Ashley Drew.

Romance is not my go-to genre, but someone had recommended it to me and I was in the mood for something different. This book promised to be cutesy without being childish, and without crazy, graphic sex thrown in for the heck of it.

This is the story of two best friends—since birth, pretty much—who realize after high school graduation that their friendship has turned into something else. They’re about to explore this new relationship when Corinne’s world is shattered. Everything she believed about love and trust and family is broken, and to deal with it, she decides to leave her California home to study and live on the East coast, leaving best friend Nick both confused and heartbroken.

Corinne is a reckless, go where the wind takes her kind of girl. Nick is a loyal, grounded boy who pines for Corinne for the majority of the book. Corinne is not exactly my favorite heroine, and if she were a real person, I doubt she’d be someone I want as a friend; however, that makes her believable. She’s not perfect. I mean, I am still trying to figure out what Nick sees in her other than her looks, but whatever.

The story is well-written, and reading the emails and IMs between Corinne and Nick, watching as their relationship falls apart over the course of six years, works in making you want to drag them into a room together and have them see a therapist.

I’m not spoiling it by saying they found love in the end. That’s what this kind of book is for: to put you on some kind of emotional roller coaster, then hand you the barf bag when you step off. You got on to have fun, then scary things happened, you’re sure you enjoyed some of it, but you also didn’t see that crazy drop, and thank goodness it’s over, but you did kind of enjoy yourself.


I know, I know…after reading my review, you aren’t sure if I liked it or not. First of all, I’m impressed with anyone who manages to finish and publish a book. It’s hard. I know it is. As I said, this book was well-written. No spelling or punctuation errors, no crazy grammar issues. The main characters were believable, and the story pretty tight. It was easy to read.

What I didn’t love was that a majority of the book was so stressful and the ending too quick. Then, there was some drama at the end that seemed a little over the top. It’s like turning the crank on the jack-in-the-box and getting punched in the face with a scary clown.

Seriously, I did enjoy the book! Also, I know that if I were younger, I’d be all over it!

Here’s my rating system:

  • 5 stars: I love this book so much that I must own a physical copy of it. I’m definitely going to recommend it to people.

  • 4 stars: This was a great book. I love it, but I don’t need to own a physical copy. I’ll definitely recommend it to people.

  • 3 stars: This is a really good book. I was entertained.

  • 2 stars: This book was fine. I don’t hate it or anything. It was fine.

  • 1 star: This book wasn’t for me. It might be for someone else, though. There are probably a lot of reasons why it isn’t for me. I’m not hating, though.

  • 0 stars: I’ve read it, or maybe I didn’t finish it, or maybe I didn’t enjoy it. Could be anything.

Comment below and let me know what you thought of this book!